Thursday, September 8, 2016

Cost Price Mouse Control & Rat Control: Mice Trapping Removal Service: Pest Control service trapping, removing exterminating attic crawlspace infestation

DIY Mice and Rat Control You can control mice and rats on your own if you are diligent and knowledgeable. Traps of all sorts are available, but not all traps are appropriate. Do not use poison or steel traps if you have pets. The steel traps can injure your pet, and if your pet eats a poisoned rat or mouse, they will also be poisoned and could die. Live traps – about $2.00 each. These tip forward as the mouse enters and causes a door to shut. The mouse is unharmed and may be released far away from your house. Snap traps – about $1.00 to $2.00 each. These are the classic wooden mouse traps. Larger ones are used for rats. Jaw traps – about $3.00 to $5.00 each. These traps have serrated edges, like jaws, and are very effective. Bait stations – about $5.00 and up depending on capacity. These traps keep poison accessible to mice and rats but inaccessible to children and pets. Glue traps - $6.00 to $8.00 each. These very sticky pads trap and hold a mouse or rat.

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